Have questions?

Phone: 302-633-9873
Fax: 302-633-9877

Ownership Disclosure

Notification of Physician Ownership in the Limestone Surgery Center

We are pleased to inform you that your physician may be an owner of the Limestone Surgery Center.

You have the right to choose the provider of your health care services. Therefore, you have the option to use a health care facility other than Limestone Surgery Center. You will not be treated differently if you choose to obtain health care services at another facility.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask your physician or call our administration office at 302-633-9873. We welcome you as a patient and value our relationship with you.

Ari D. Abel, M.D.
Damian M. Andrisani, M.D.
Andrew M. Barrett, M.D.
George Benes, M.D.
Michael H. Bass, M.D.
Michael J. Brooks, M.D.
Michael K. Conway, M.D.
Perdro Dayrit, M.D.
Heather L. Dealy, M.D.
Luis M. Garcia, D.P.M.
Seyedmehdi Jadali M.D.
Eric D. Kalish, M.D.
Paul C. Kupcha, M.D.
Harry A. Lebowitz, M.D.
Michael T. Teixido, M.D.
Peter F. Townsend, M.D.
Patrick J. Ward III, M.D.
Katheryn M. Warren, M.D.
Pramod K. Yadhati, M.D.